Hello everyone, Happy last day of school. Here is a short video message to wrap up our school year. Thank you and I appreciate all of you! - Mr. Schmidt
Senior's you finally made it!
Updated daily schedule - Track is in Barnesville today
4th-grade students made marble roller coasters in science. Students worked hard on these for three weeks and did an excellent job
Special Olympics athletes had a walking field trip to Tip Top to end out the year sweet!
Thank you Tip Top for a great place to hang out!
Congratulation Isaac Maddock!
Today's schedule
Our seniors took their final walk-through on their final day of high school ~ Congratulations Class of 2023.
Golf results from yesterday
I got to treat these students to Tip Top today. The nine 6th grade students each read one million words this year. Our lone 3rd grade student was our top fundraiser in this year's elementary fundraiser. -Mr. Schmidt
2023 Athletes of the Year!
2023 Triple A recipients!
Today's schedule
Elementary Field Day is Thursday, May 25th at the Osakis Schools athletic complex. Grades 4-6 will be participating from 8:45-10:45 am and Kindergarten - 3rd grades will participate from 12:30-2:30 pm.
Today's schedule
Senior Awards Night
Our annual 4th grade wax museum was this afternoon. Students may choose an influential person past or present and create a museum display of information including themselves dressed as the person.
Today's schedule
Due Today!
Congratulations to the Boy's and Girl's Track teams for winning the Prairie Conference at yesterday's meet at St. John's University!